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Intuition and Freedom

Be brave, have faith, move forward – and believe in yourself!

Nathalie Buschor

Intuition and Freedom

Be brave, have faith, move forward – and believe in yourself!

About me

Since 2006, I have been working as an entrepreneur in the fields of consulting, executive leadership, coaching and personality development. For my work as a coach and consultant, I can draw on ten years of experience in corporate and project management, at an executive and international level, broad knowledge of the financial industry and product design, and over ten years of owning my own company and working independently as a management consultant and executive coach.

Independent thinking has shaped my personal path, as have interruptions and unconventional turns, that have shifted the course of my life. My quest for that, which defines me as a person, has broadened my horizons and demanded much from me. Resolving internal conflicts, finding things out the hard way and taking pride in my own achievements have all helped me to find my calling.

Dream job and then what?

After studying economics at the University of St. Gallen, I found my so-called dream job: international assignments, more responsibility, money and prestige. After fulfilling my social obligations with ease, all that remained was a strange emptiness and a feeling of exhaustion. Is that it? Is this really want I want?

Out of curiosity, I attended a lecture about Parsifal at the C.G. Jung Institute one day. The subject was the quest to find happiness with the right job. Thus, in 1998, I decided to make the still rare combination of economics and psychology my vocation, in answer to the above-mentioned question.

Bringing together these two disciplines, on both a theoretical and practical level, is my passion. Psychology and Economics: They are the common thread that links my career and my education, from pursuing a dual Master’s Degree at the Universities of St. Gallen and Zurich to completing two postgraduate degrees, in psychology and economics. I wanted to excel in both worlds, and to find satisfaction in a successful career.

Buschor Coaching & Consulting combines business with sense.

I search for hidden talents and resources, which give rise to new perspectives. I love challenging projects and leadership. It’s about more than just the intellect. I love immersing myself in foreign worlds, learning new things and creating unconventional connections. I am direct and persistent. I motivate, I hope, and I question.

Because I can easily be creative, whilst considering many different perspectives at the same time, my clients also call me an innovation coach. Digitalization suits me, because it enables unconventional and new ways of managing anything, from product design, to testing with user groups, to sales and leadership. A digital company, referred to as a TEAL company, needs employees on every level of the management structure, who have the courage and the ability to develop their own ideas and to make their own decisions. They truly want to connect with the purpose of the company and their work.

In addition to a suitable work environment, this also requires self-confidence and inner freedom. To date, most experience in the field of the acquisition of a sustainable self comes from psychotherapy. Really finding oneself is a journey called individuation.And if you have read this far: My personal happiness manifests itself as a balance of work, family and curiosity. Trying to solve the mystery of “body, mind and soul” is my favorite way to relax.

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How to reach me

Nathalie Buschor

CFA, lic.oec.HSG
Diplompsycholgin und -Therapeutin

Phone +41 79 255 64 20
Scheuchzerstr. 8 · CH – 8006 Zürich


You can reach my office with public transport:

Tram Nr. 7/15 Stop Sonnegstr.
Tram Nr. 9/10 Stop Winkelriedstr.

If you come by car just park in the blue zone around the office.



  • FSP, Coaching section, HSG Alumni
  • Licensed trainer for the Golden Personality Profiler (GPOP), 360° Feedback, Best Year Yet, Authentic Happiness Inventory
  • Zen meditation practitioner at Lassalle-Haus, Bad Schönbrunn
  • Founder of Buschor Coaching & Consulting, Zürich
  • Executive MBA Lecturer at the University of Zurich, Basle, Schumacher College UK
  • Coach und Mentor at IMD Lausanne, University of St. Gallen (HSG, CFA)