Professionalität, Ernsthaftigkeit und Humor sind in meiner Arbeit zentral: über 5 Jahren selbständige Unternehmerin, mehr als zehn Jahre Beratungs- und Führungserfahrung in globalen Konzernen, und die Kombination Ökonomie und Psychologie bestätigen meinen aktiven, flexiblen und unverblühmten Stil. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst:
Referenzen Coaching
Ihre Erfahrung, Humor, Wärme und Authentizität bilden eine unmittelbare Verbindung. Aber Frau Buschor macht mehr als nur inspirieren. Unsere Arbeit bot solide analytische Rahmenbedingungen und praktische Fähigkeiten, die es mir ermöglichten, Lernergebnisse sofort in die Praxis umzusetzen.
CEO, 54
If you value knowledge, rational thought and insight combined with very high intellectual competence and curiosity, if you like never- ending flow of ideas and a high degree of spontaneity, Nathalie is a perfect sparring partner in delicate, challenging and emotionally loaded situations.
Head Communications, 48
Experience, humor, warmth and authenticity make an instant connection. But she does more than inspire. Nathalie s work provide solid analytical frameworks and practical skills that enable you to put learnings to work immediately.
CEO, 54
Nathalie is an excellent brainstormer. Analyzing problems from every angle to find the best solution combined with her knowledge and originality splaying out every aspect of the idea at hand and rejecting without remorse options that don`t work has helped our Vision building process tremendously.
Head Marketing Development of Trading Company
Nathalie`s unwaifering desire for self- improvement is so much felt, that the honesty of her quest has motivated me to embrace my weaknesses and to deepen the relation with myself.
Artist, 35 years old
Combat ability is not an issue for Nathalie, this has helped our team to find true compromises. We found the team again we where 10 years ago. It was hard play, she sees the things that need to be fixed but her enthusiastic and honest feedback helped us, to believe in what we do. She does not let through a false compromise. That was in the end what helped us most.
Partner of small consultant firm
The „clarification movement“ has led to uncertainty. New is: I accept the uncertainty. Because she can be enriching. The search for answers is fulfilling, part of the solution. She shows a way.
Journalist, 55
Instead of this „ideal solution,“ I found a „vice-solution“ seeming more promising: I indulge my creative passions without the need to please a market. And draw from it so much power that I work more playfully in so far lucrative orders that pay well.
Partner Management Consultant and Mother
I never cease to be amazed at the power of the coaching process to draw out the skills or talent that was previously hidden within, and which invariably finds a way to solve a problem previously thought unsolvable.
Managing Director, 38
Ich bin immer wieder erstaunt über die Kraft des Coaching-Prozesses, um die Fähigkeiten oder Talente, die bisher in einem Individuum verborgen waren, herauszuarbeiten und immer ein Problem zu lösen, das zuvor als unlösbar galt. Gerade die Kombination des tiefen Fachwissens in Verbindung mit psychologischem Geschick hilft immer wieder.
HR Manager, Grossbank
Referenzen Consulting
Above all, the professional support of our work, the selection of employees and the specification of processes is an important factor. The in-depth knowledge of our products in connection with humans is an expression of the attention to detail and that is what Mrs. Buschor conveys to us. Her training event for learning new behaviors in the team and developing a vision was exhausting, but extremely rewarding.
Management Team of Architecture office
With Nathalie we followed many track, some she believed more in that I did. In retrospect, she seems like a detective charged with looking for something missing in our team. She asked for motives, checked different tracks and finally found our entrepreneurial soul. She did not solve the case at all. But she found what we missed. And that solved the case and made us successful again. Helpful was her deep understanding of our business, psychological and analytical skills.
Board and Management of Family Office in Zurich
Referenzen Speaking/ Workshop
Frau Buschor hat ein enormes Charisma. Ihr Selbstvertrauen und Enthusiasmus auf der Bühne und die Fähigkeit ganz unterschiedliche Ideen und Gebiete zu verknüpfen, macht es extrem unterhaltsam und lehrreich zugleich. Wer hätte das Gedacht, auch Anwälte können noch lernen vom Hans im Glück.
Partner Anwaltskanzlei
So erreichen Sie mich
Nathalie Buschor
Tel. +41 79 255 64 20
Scheuchzerstr. 8 · CH – 8006 Zürich
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